Friday 8 February 2019

Lesson 2 - Rules of Netiquette

        Lesson 2 is all about how are we going to be safe online. 
We are really into social networking sites when it comes to promote a business, gain new friends and talk to our loved ones who are away from us but it is also the most dangerous place. When signing up in a sites, you need to be more careful and wiser. Don't give your personal information, you need to have a limit when giving information about yourself so you can be safe. The best way to be  safe online is not to give your personal information, especially your address. Also, never tell your password to anyone. It's not safe anymore. The most important  is never talk to strangers in social media. Never give your personal information to them because you don't know them much. I also learned about copyright infringment and some tips of it. 
        I also learned some tips of doing a Online Research. It is important to know how to do it and we should give credit to them when we are going to use information for educational purposes.

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