Thursday 28 February 2019

lesson 8 : Collaborative ICT development

                                              Collaborative ICT development 

This study utilized a tool-oriented perspective on the uptake and use of digital technology in three exemplary upper secondary schools, to determine how the school leaders viewed leadership in the development of information and communication technology (ICT)-enriched environments for teaching and learning, and how they utilized technology in their daily leadership practices. The data were obtained from interviews with the school leaders and analyses of school documents and websites. In all three schools, leadership was extended and distributed beyond the work of the principal, taking into account the shared and professional expertise in the leader group and across the staff, and relying on reliable technologies and systemic activities developed over time. The findings confirm previous research underlining the importance of supportive school leadership for the successful implementation of ICT in education. In addition, the study shows that in schools oriented towards Web 2.0 or open collaborative technology practices, the leadership functions as a team-based and distributed activity, relying on educational and technological expertise at multiple levels. The findings across the three schools suggest that tool-mediated activities may become routinized over time, transforming into unspoken institutional infrastructures

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“Advocacy in democracy is about getting what you want out of the  government.In  a democracy, which is a collection of voices, it is ev...