Thursday 28 February 2019

Lesson 10 - ICT as a platform for change

“Advocacy in democracy is about getting what you want out of the government.In a democracy, which is a collection of voices, it is everyone’s job to use their voice to remind the government about what people want.”   – Matthew Kaplan
  • EDSA Dos and the use of text messaging to mobilize people
  • Million people march against pork barrel via Facebook.
  • Disaster relief operations and mobilization via Internet and Text brigades.
  • Social Media – Boon or Bane?

Lesson 9 - Interactive Multimedia

Empowerment Technology is a professional web and software development company and providing technical training on various technologies. We have hired a highly skillful developer’s team in Company- a great source of highly-qualified and talented professionals. Our company’s mission and vision is to provide best IT Training on various technology(like .NET,JAVA,PHP,SQL,SQT,ANDROID,SEO,EMBEDDED SYSTEM and more….) and To enhancing the business growth of our customers with creative website Designing and Development to deliver market-defining high-quality solutions that create value and consistent competitive advantage for our clients around the world. Empowerment Technology is a professional web and software development company that successfully operates at the IT-market. We have hired a highly skillful developer’s team in Company- a great source of highly-qualified and talented professionals. Thanks to this we are able to provide our customers with best services at a very competitive price. Our customers and partners are located in India. EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY provides complete Recruitment Solution. Our Consultancy is a leading expertise and provides recruitment in IT, Engineering and Automobiles fields. We have a wide area network which is well connected with each other in Noida, Roorkee, Lucknow and London. Hence the students of various Professional Courses trained by us are well absorbed in good company

lesson 8 : Collaborative ICT development

                                              Collaborative ICT development 

This study utilized a tool-oriented perspective on the uptake and use of digital technology in three exemplary upper secondary schools, to determine how the school leaders viewed leadership in the development of information and communication technology (ICT)-enriched environments for teaching and learning, and how they utilized technology in their daily leadership practices. The data were obtained from interviews with the school leaders and analyses of school documents and websites. In all three schools, leadership was extended and distributed beyond the work of the principal, taking into account the shared and professional expertise in the leader group and across the staff, and relying on reliable technologies and systemic activities developed over time. The findings confirm previous research underlining the importance of supportive school leadership for the successful implementation of ICT in education. In addition, the study shows that in schools oriented towards Web 2.0 or open collaborative technology practices, the leadership functions as a team-based and distributed activity, relying on educational and technological expertise at multiple levels. The findings across the three schools suggest that tool-mediated activities may become routinized over time, transforming into unspoken institutional infrastructures

Friday 8 February 2019

Lesson 7 - Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development

       There are many purposes of online platforms and applications that we need to know to access information. I learned how to apply web design principles and also their elements using online creation tools and how to create a web page design using templates.

Lesson 6 - Imaging and Design for Online Environment

        I have an idea about something that is related in this topic which are the basic principles of graphics and layouts. I also learned how to create my own infographics using different online applications.

Lesson 5 - Advanced Presentation Skills

Powerpoint is a powerful presentation software developed by microsoft. In this lesson we tackled about what is the inside in a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation like key terms, slides, design template, transition and animation of the presentation. First is, you should minimize the slide, use font style that is easy to read, use bullets and etc. In this lesson, I learned how to put a hyperlink in a presentation. 

Lesson 4 - Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

I already know how to use Microsoft Excel.  This lesson helps me to explore more. I learned how to use shortcut keys like F2 for editing data and then the formulas and functions like the sum (range), countif ( range, criteria) and etc. Now, I can create a spreadsheet by using microsoft excel.

Lesson 3 - Advanced Word Processing Skills

       In this lesson, I learned how to apply a mail merge by making my own letter which is application letter. By using mail merge we can create labels and envelopes for distribution and create documents for printing or publishing. I also learned that there are a lot of features to improve the productivity of an organization through expanding the ability of Microsoft Word.

Lesson 2 - Rules of Netiquette

        Lesson 2 is all about how are we going to be safe online. 
We are really into social networking sites when it comes to promote a business, gain new friends and talk to our loved ones who are away from us but it is also the most dangerous place. When signing up in a sites, you need to be more careful and wiser. Don't give your personal information, you need to have a limit when giving information about yourself so you can be safe. The best way to be  safe online is not to give your personal information, especially your address. Also, never tell your password to anyone. It's not safe anymore. The most important  is never talk to strangers in social media. Never give your personal information to them because you don't know them much. I also learned about copyright infringment and some tips of it. 
        I also learned some tips of doing a Online Research. It is important to know how to do it and we should give credit to them when we are going to use information for educational purposes.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

        In this lesson we tackled about web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0. I learned about their features like web 1.0 refers to static web, web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0 and web 3.0 is to have machines or servers. Web 2.0 is the most used web among the others. 
      Our teacher discussed the six types of social media; social network, bookmarking sites, media sharing, social news, microblogging and blogs and forums. I also learned that there are different kinds of operating system that I didn't know before.

Lesson 10 - ICT as a platform for change

“Advocacy in democracy is about getting what you want out of the  government.In  a democracy, which is a collection of voices, it is ev...